Russian tornado

In Russia as in other parts of the world time to time we have tornados. But for some reasons our people are not afraid of them. On the contrary they are happy when see a tornado, try to catch it and scream dirty language words out. Here you can see one of this attempts to reach a tornado:

April Stevens - Teach Me Tiger

Savage - Only You

Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry

Stray dogs and a brave street cleaner

In the next clip the scene when a street cleaner rescues a girl was filmed. He used his spade against a pack of stray dogs. How do you think does this action comply with Greenpeace's principles?

Zadornov was right!

Have you ever heard Mikhail Zadornov's sketches?

If you are from Russia, I'm sure you've heard!

The main theme of his sketches was a stupidity of Americans. In the next video they are approving that Zadornov was right:

Another murder in the USA

Russian journalists and the whole Russian society pay a lot of attention to adopted children from Russia in the USA. But some time ago the situation was absolutely opposite. This huge interest was awakened by the number of crimes and abuses against former little Russian citizens in the USA.

Grease - Summer Nights


Summer lovin' had me a blast

Writing - Quarterly report on sales


The figures of sales and profits of the last quarter were below target. We have scrutinized all obstacles and made up this regular quarterly report.


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