
The truth about Stalingrad

Several days ago I watched a TV programme where was some sort of historical quizes (it was an American TV channel). And one of the questions there was about Stalingrad. I was not suprised when realised that almost nobody knew anythig about this city and about horrible battle which took place within and around the city in 1942 and beginning of 1943.

I think both parties lost in the battle almost the same amount of troops as the USA in the whole battles in Europe during the WWII...

"Stalingrad" for Lufthansa

The German company Lufthansa is going to buy a new A380 aircraft this summer.

A380 Lufthansa

And they decided to choose the name for this aircraft. Because they try to be closer to their passengers and other consumers, they decided to carry out poll among them.

But they could not imagine that the Russian part of the Internet would become interested in the poll. Russian users voted for the name "Stalingrad". Several days it was undoubted leader of the poll.

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