
Putin - Blueberry Hill

Putin sings 'Blueberry Hill' (Fats Domino):

I found my thrill on Blueberry hill
On Blueberry hill where I found you
The moon stood still on Blueberry hill
And lingered until my dreams came true

The wind in the willow played
Love's sweet melody
But all of those vows we made
Were never to be

Tho' we're apart, you're part of me still
For you were my thrill on Blueberry hill

The wind in the willow played
Love's sweet melody
But all of those vows we made
Were never to be

Tho' we're apart, you're part of me still

Belarus has found an alternative supplier

Alexander Lukashenko and Hugo Chavez

Historically oil from Russian oil fields was a raw material for petroleum refinery plants in Belarus. But now due to different political disputes with Russian government and personal clashes between President Alexander Lukashenko and Prime-minister Vladimir Putin there is shortage of oil for the plants. But I am not sure that it is so, because nobody has cut off supplies, nobody even has promised to cut off these supplies. The only thing is that Russian authorities have decided to charge oil with custom fees (previously these supplies were almost free of charge).

Anyway during the last visit of President Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) to Belarus there was decided to expand supplies of oil from Venezuela to Belarus for Belarusian petroleum refinery. Moreover Hugo Chavez promised that Belarus would not have any problems with oil supplies in the next two hundred years. As well he added that it is his contribution to anti-imperialism struggle.

Do they know that Venezuela as far from Belarus as almost it possible? And that Belarus doesn’t have any sea ports at all? I think that they know these facts and that the only reason for these agreements is to tease Russia and to show that maybe it has money and power, but it is not the only party to negotiate with.

Putin's flat has been damaged

Our Prime-minister Vladimir Putin (and possible our future President) officially doesn’t have a lot of property. He cannot be compared with such a rich world leaders like Silvio Berlusconi who is an owner of a big media corporation. By the way Vladimir Putin has real estate.

I am not sure how many flats and houses does he have, but I know that he has a one flat in S.Peterburg. I know this because of a recent item of news. It was said that the Putin’s flat in this city had been damaged by water from melted snow and ice…

A new Putin's peculiar photo

The prime-minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin visited today Khakassia (a federal subject of Russia (a republic) located in south central Siberia).

Among other things he attended a resort where he did horse back riding, fed local horses by hand, drank tea prepared on an open fire (this Putin’s tea you can see on the photo).

Putin Khakassia

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