Neil Sedaka

Neil Sedaka - Oh! Carol

(Ohh, ooh-ooh-ooo-ooo-oo-oo.)
(Ooo-ooo ooo-ooo-ooo.)

Oh, Carol, I am but a fool,
Darling, I love you though you treat me cruel.
You hurt me and you make me cry,
But if you leave me I will surely die.

Darling, there will never be another,
'Cause I love you so.
Don't ever leave me, say you'll never go.
I will always want you for my sweetheart,
No matter what you do.
Oh, Carol, I'm so in love with you.

[Spoken while backup singers vocalize:]
Oh, Carol, I am but a fool,
Darling, I love you though you treat me cruel.
You hurt me and you make me cry,
But if you leave me I will surely die.

Darling there will never be another,
'Cause I love you so.
Don't ever leave me, say you'll never go.
I will always want you for my sweetheart,
No matter what you do.
Oh, Carol, I'm so in love with you-ooo-ooo.

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