An example of a covering letter

Covering letter

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Vacancies for Medical Representative

I am writing in response to your advertisement in the newspaper and want to be considered for the position of a Medical Representative.

I have enclosed to this letter my CV and you will be able to see that I have graduated the university and have the degree in biology. My previous work in Byer AG as a sales manager gave me good experience in sales and marketing. I have obtained real skills in communications with different people and good knowledge of the pharmaceutical products market. I am sure that all these skills and experiences would help me on position of a Medical Representative. If your company intends to develop and gain new markets, my managing skills could be useful as well, because I had an experience of running a department with at least three subordinates in it and experience of promoting new products.

From publications in the medical magazines and journals I have got a lot about your company and especially about its new projects. It appears that working in your team would offer me a challenge and a lot of new opportunities to realize myself to my and your company good.

Your advertisement also contained the request to point out expected salary. My expectation is ?85000 per annum.

I am available for interview at any time and would be glad to discuss more details. My expectation of salary is the subject of discussion as well. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully


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